Our ClassRooms

New Beginnings

Our prime goal is to provide a caring and nurturing environment for our children. LALC teachers work individually with each child, accommodating each child’s physical, cognitive and psychological stages of development. Infants alternate between activities, exploration of play, individual feeding and rest times. Children are rocked, and read to on a one-on-one basis.An accredited approved curriculum is used in our classroom beginning in our infant room. Children experience the outdoors during the buggy rides around the school and out on the playground as soon as they are old enough to sit up and weather permitting. Our room has a “no shoe” policy to keep the environment as clean as possible. Our room is filled with age appropriate toys for children to crawl, play and discover with. Three meals a day or 3 bottles of formula and baby food are provided to our infants at no additional cost to our parents. Children are fed and changed regularly, as needed. Our teachers love, nurture, reassure, and comfort the children in our care.

One's (Wallaby)
Play...Learn...and Grow

Our program promotes social, emotional, physical and language development. Center based classrooms are set up that encourage children to explore, chose their activity, learning adventure and gain an understanding of world around them. Individualized and group activities are included in the program. Daily activities include story and circle times, dramatic play, art, music and movement, science and outdoor playtime.Our children in this classroom will learn self-help skills, communication skills, songs and enjoys age-appropriate activities. The children will have increased language development and will move on the path of being active learners. A nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack, approved by the child care food nutrition program is included with no additional cost to the parents.

Two's (Wallroos)
Grow...Explore...and Discover

Our nurturing and caring teachers and staff encourage children to develop their language skills through interactive communication and other activities. Daily activities may include story time, learning games, singing favorite songs, science, dramatic center time, vast array of art exploration and independent choice activities. Language skills are developed through repetition and reinforcement.All activities in this program are designed to accommodate the short attention spans and developmental needs of two-year olds. We recognize the uniqueness of each child. Our teacher guides the children daily to become increasingly more independent. Children are provided continual opportunities throughout the day to explore and learn more about their world. Basic life skills (hand washing, potty training etc.) are introduced.

Preschool (Grey Kangaroos)
Imagine...Create...and Participate

Our preschool program helps children become more prepared for kindergarten. Our age appropriate centers includes art, construction, dramatic ply, reading, fine motors and sensory that children can manipulate, create, learn and explore. Computers and outdoor playtime are enjoyed by our preschoolers. Children are introduced to pre-writing, letters recognition, and develop phonetic awareness. They learn math skills using patterning, counting, sorting by shape, size and colors, making predictions based on simple information, physical coordination skills such as balancing and jumping.

Pre-K (VPK) (Red Kangaroos)
I am Ready...!

Our school offers State of Florida VPK program for every child that is 4 year old by September 1st of each school year and living in Florida. This class is emphasize on preparing our children for kindergarten and promotes success later on in life. Children are exposed to academics while continuing to focus on self-esteem, and independence through enriching activities. Our children will learn independent reading, begin to spell simple words, enhance writing skills, mastering simple math skills, and develop social and physical skills.